JULY 2024

About Us Britain - Nepal Academic Council

Britain-Nepal Academic Council

The Britain–Nepal Academic Council was established on 23 May 2000 at a large meeting at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London of British academics and researchers interested in various aspects of Nepal. The objective of the Council is to promote academic and scholarly links between Britain and Nepal through, inter alia, collaborative research, exchange programmes and organisation of annual lectures, and seminars on areas of mutual interest to both British and Nepali academics and researchers. Prof. Surya Subedi, who was the founding chairperson of the Council, served in this capacity for ten years before handing over responsibilities to Prof. Michael Hutt in 2009. Prof. David Gellner took the position on 25 April 2014, followed by Dr Krishna Adhikari, (the Immediate Past Chairperson) who took the position on 18 April 2018. Current, and, thus the fifth, Chairperson,  Dr Sara Parker started her role on 14 April 2022. 

The current Executive Officers are:

  • Dr Sara Parker (Liverpool John Moores University), Chairperson
  • Professor Jeevan Sharma (University of Edinburgh) General Secretary
  • Dr Fraser Sugden (University of Birmingham), Treasurer

Other members of the executive committee are:

Click here to see list of general members of BNAC.

  • Dr Punam Yadav (University College of London) (General Secretary 2018-22) 

On these pages you will find details of past and forthcoming events sponsored and organised by the BNAC, a membership form, and some means of contacting us.  We hope you will find these useful, and we look forward to meeting you at one of our future events.  If you have any kind of research or teaching interest in Nepal, please do join us.

For details, click here to download BNAC brochure.


For more information and enquiries please contact Dr Krishna Adhikari by
email: krishna.adhikari@anthro.ox.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

Please click here to join our free email list about BNAC events and activities.

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