Nepal Study Days Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesNepal Study Days

Call for Papers for 12th BNAC Study Days: 24-25th April, 2014, Oxford

December 27, 2013

Call for papers is closed now

Registration for participation is open until 22 April 2014. If you are not presenting a paper but would like to participate, please fill and send a registration form. (MS Word 46 kb)
Download final programme and abstracts (Booklet PDF 1,363 kb)



Call for Papers

12th BNAC Study Days: 24-25th April, 2014

University of Oxford

64 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6PN


The Britain Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) encourages participants to make short presentations that share research findings or discuss ongoing projects focusing on Nepal or the Nepali cultural world. Research from all disciplines will be considered, including work relating to the Nepali diaspora. We encourage presentations that report on the results of research, rather than on research proposals. Previous Study Days have been popular and well attended. Details about previous study days can be accessed online at www.bnac.ac.uk/activities-category/nepal-study-days/

If you are interested in participating, please send a brief abstract of 300 words to bnacstudyday@gmail.com by Saturday 8th March 2014. In keeping with previous study days, only abstracts will be circulated in advance, with full papers presented on the day.

Members of BNAC may attend the Nepal Study Day for free, though we ask for a contribution of £5 towards the costs of the lunches. For non-members the attendance fee is £25, which will include lunch on both days. We encourage prospective participants to apply for or renew their membership in time to be eligible for free registration. Details about BNAC membership are available at www.bnac.ac.uk/membership/. We hope to be in a position to offer small bursaries towards travel costs to students whose presentations are accepted.


Deadline to submit abstracts: 8th March 2014.

Deadline to register for those who are not presenting a paper but want to participate: 15 April 2014.


For more information and registration, please contact the study day organizing team:

Dr Sondra Hausner, Dr Krishna Adhikari, Prof. David Gellner

Contact Email: bnacstudyday@gmail.com


To book your stay in Oxford, please go here (if you would like a room in an Oxford college):

http://www.oxfordrooms.co.uk/ (not many available, as this is the week before term starts, so you would need to book soon)


Or check out B&Bs on http://www.visitoxfordandoxfordshire.com/ or look on TripAdvisor.

For the Youth Hostel, conveniently located next to the railway station, see:






For more information and enquiries please contact Dr Krishna Adhikari by
email: krishna.adhikari@anthro.ox.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

Please click here to join our free email list about BNAC events and activities.

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