Nepal Study Days Britain - Nepal Academic CouncilActivitiesNepal Study Days

Final Programme Ready, Registration Open (NSD 16-17 Apr. 2015 SOAS)

March 30, 2015

The final programme of the Britain Nepal Academic Council’s 13th Nepal Study Days (NSD) is ready (click here to download or see below).

Collection of abstracts of the presentations is also available to download.

Also registration for participation is open now.

The Britain Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) invites scholars and practitioners from all disciplines to participate in the 13th BNAC Nepal Study Days on 16th and 17th April.

Venue: Djam Lecture Theatre, SOAS Main Buildings, Russell Square.

Registration fee (includes lunch on both days):

BNAC members – participation is free (contribution towards lunch is welcome).

To find out how to become a member and to download the membership form please visit here: http://bnac.ac.uk/membership/

Non-members- registration fess for students is £14 and public members is £25

Please pay cash on the day.

To book a place visit: www.soas.ac.uk/south-asia-institute/events

Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis.

 Britain – Nepal Academic Council

13th Nepal Study Days

SOAS , DLT (the Djam Lecture Theatre).

 Thursday, 16 April

9:30 Welcome

10:00-11:15  Climate Change and the Environment
Chair: Mari Miyamoto

Climate Change: Numbers and Relationships
Ben Campbell
Soil Fertility Status of Bari and Khet Land in the Kavre-Palanchowk and Baglung Districts of Nepal
Rajendra Prasad Uprety and Kamal Shah
Plants and You: Linking Scientific Biodiversity Knowledge with Local People in Nepal
Colin Pendry and Bhaskar Adhikari

11:15-12:30 Nepal and the Gulf
Chair: Jeevan Sharma

Health and Welfare of Nepali Female Returnees from Gulf Countries: A Mixed-Methods Study
Padam Simkhada, Edwin van Teijlingen, Manju Gurung and Uday Yadav
Working with Loadshedding: Labour Migration in the Kathmandu Valley Textile Industry
Mikkel Vindegg
Issues Associated with the Process and Context of Migration of Migrants and their Families from Nalang VDC
Chris Willman

12:30 Lunch

13:30-14:30 BNAC Special General Meeting (open to all participants)

14:30-15:45 Cultural Heritage
Chair: Bryony Whitmarsh

Traditional Artworks around the Door of Newah houses
Sanyukta Shrestha
The Kathmandu Contemporary Art Centre
Celia Washington
What is there to Gain from Public Knife-hoarding?
Stefanie Lotter

15:45 Coffee

16:00-17:45 Post-conflict Nepal
Chair: Michael Hutt

From Ethnography to Clinical Assessment: Capturing Children’s Subjective Worlds
Emilie Medeiros
Post-Conflict Constituent Assembly Elections and International Assistance in Nepal
Min Bhatta
Nepal’s 2010 General Strike: A Moment of Truth
Feyzi Ismail
Failing to Produce a Constitution for Nepal: 2012 and 2015 Compared
David Gellner

18:30 Dinner at the Embassy of Nepal
12A Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QU
(40min by tube via Queensway or using a Boris Bike)


Friday, 17 April

9:00 Coffee

9:30-11.15 Health

Chair: Antony Costello

Economic Consequences of Stigma and Discrimination associated with HIV/Aids in Nepal
A.N. Poudel, David Newlands and Padam Simkhada
Pharmacies in Kathmandu: Local Health Educators
Stine Helmersen
New Norms and Forms of Development: Brokerage in Maternal and Child
Health Projects in Nepal
Jeevan Raj Sharma, Radha Adhikari, Pam Smith and Ian Harper, Obindra Chand and Deepak Thapa
Role of Community Health Workers in Maternal Health Improvement in Nepal
Sarita Panday
11.15-12:30 Ageing and Care
Chair: Ben Campbell

Doing Family’ and Long-distance Care: Arrangements among the Kathmandu Valley’s Senior Citizens
Roberta Mandoki
Should Ageing Nepal Plan Ahead the Future Needs and Provision of Assisted Living Housing Facilities?
Sirjana Devkota
Understanding Parents’ and Professionals’ Knowledge and Awareness of Autism in Nepal
Amy Alexander, Liz Pellicano, Emilie Medeiros, Kirti Man Tumbahangphe, Felicity Gibbons, Mary Wickenden, Merina Shrestha, Anthony Costello, Dharma Manandhar and Michelle Heys

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:45 Gender
Chair: Sondra Hausner
Cultural Aspects of Educating Daughters in Nepal
Gayatree Timsina
Tensions of Transition in Women’s Position in Nepalese Rural Communities
Enni Mikkonen
Gender, Agency and Peacebuilding Practices in Post-conflict Nepal
Hanna Ketola

14:45-16:00 UK Nepalis and Bhutanese
Chair: David Gellner

Ethnic Minorities and Social Mobility: A Case Study of the Nepali Community in England
Chandra Laksamba, Sangita Shrestha, Krishna Adhikari, and Lokendra Dhakal
Are We Bhutanese, Nepali or British? An Ethnographic Case Study of Bhutanese Refugees in Greater Manchester
Nicole Hoellerer
The NRN Movement and the Question of Citizenship
Krishna Adhikari and David Gellner

16:00 Coffee

16:15-17:30 The Global Circulation of Cultural Forms
Chair: Ian Gibson

K-pop, Kathmandu and Camden: Transnational Trends and Fashion Creativity amongst Young Nepalis in Britain
Premila van Ommen
Playing at Football: Time, Pleasure and Identity Politics in Transnational Nepal
Michele Serafini
Mahila Tamang’s Books
Michael Hutt



For more information and enquiries please contact BNAC Chair, Dr Sara Parker by
email: S.L.Parker@ljmu.ac.uk

BNAC Executive Board have produced a brochure to publicise the Council's activities. Please click here to download a PDF (13 MB)

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